
Make your Computer Talk....

Thursday 28 February 2013
Computer has made our life simple and easy.Things which were impossible and difficult now can be done easily by using computer fastest growing technology.we input in computer using keyboard and mouse,computer process input and  convert it into output.At the same time one question arises in our mind ,
what computer can speak which input we have entered????? The answer is yes,it can do it.You can  create
a  script in windows which will make your computer speak whatever you input in it.
To create a one such talk script follow these steps given below.
Open notepad.Copy and paste exact code given below.

Dim Message, Speak
          Message=InputBox("Enter text","Speak")
          Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
          Speak.Speak Message

click on file menu>>>save as and save the file speak.vbs .
Double click on the save file named as speak a window will open like the image given below.

Make your Computer Talk

Enter some text in enter text box and click ok.Now your computer will speak what you typed in text box.

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